Ferries on Lake Constance

Ferries on Lake Constance - Ferry Constance-Meersburg

The Lake Constance cycle path takes you about 260 km, around the entire lake. But you’ll not truly feel what this lake is all about until you see it from a boat. Most of the boats here transport bikes and the wide range of lines provide you with a whole host of opportunities when you’re planning your trip.

These are the most interesting routes for cyclists:

Ferries on Lake Constance
The routes are numbered and described below.

Crossing the Lake Überlingen:

Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Seestern
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Seestern from Wallhausen

1 Constance-Wallhausen - Überlingen
- All day, every day, approx. 2 x hour
PS E. Giess
2 Constance-Dingelsdorf - Überlingen
- All day, every day, approx. May-September, approx. every 2 hours; limited schedule during the rest of the year

Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Uhldingen
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Uhldingen from Dingelsdorf

Crossing the Upper Lake:

Ferry MF Kreuzlingen
MF Kreuzlingen of ferry compagny Constance-Meersburg

3 Constance-Staad - Meersburg
- All day, every day, approx. every 15 minutes
Stadtwerke Konstanz

Catamaran Ferdinand
Catamaran Ferdinand in Constance harbour

4 Constance - Friedrichshafen
- All day, every day, every hour

Ferry Friedrichshafen-Romanshorn
MF Romanshorn

5 Friedrichshafen - Romanshorn
- All day, every day, every hour

Crossing the Lower Lake and Rhine:

Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Schaffhausen
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Schaffhausen

6 Kreuzlingen - Schaffhausen
- All day, every day, approx. every 2 hours
Untersee und Rhein

As an alternative to slightly unpleasant section of cycle path:

Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Überlingen
Along the german shore with MS Überlingen

7 Immenstaad – Friedrichshafen
- All day, every day, approx. every 1-3 hours

The boats on Lake Constance do not run during the winter; the various shipping companies start and finish their season at different times. For trips in spring and autumn, we therefore recommend checking the schedules.

Catamaran Constance-Friedrichshafen
Catamaran Constance-Friedrichshafen