The Lake Constance cycle path takes you about 260 km, around the entire lake. But you’ll not truly feel what this lake is all about until you see it from a boat. Most of the boats here transport bikes and the wide range of lines provide you with a whole host of opportunities when you’re planning your trip.
These are the most interesting routes for cyclists:
The routes are numbered and described below.
Crossing the Lake Überlingen:
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Seestern from Wallhausen
1 | Constance-Wallhausen - Überlingen - All day, every day, approx. 2 x hour |
PS E. Giess |
2 | Constance-Dingelsdorf - Überlingen - All day, every day, approx. May-September, approx. every 2 hours; limited schedule during the rest of the year |
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Uhldingen from Dingelsdorf
Crossing the Upper Lake:
MF Kreuzlingen of ferry compagny Constance-Meersburg
3 | Constance-Staad - Meersburg - All day, every day, approx. every 15 minutes |
Stadtwerke Konstanz |
Catamaran Ferdinand in Constance harbour
4 | Constance - Friedrichshafen - All day, every day, every hour |
Katamaran-Reederei |
MF Romanshorn
5 | Friedrichshafen - Romanshorn - All day, every day, every hour |
Crossing the Lower Lake and Rhine:
Ferries on Lake Constance - MS Schaffhausen
6 | Kreuzlingen - Schaffhausen - All day, every day, approx. every 2 hours |
Schifffahrt Untersee und Rhein |
As an alternative to slightly unpleasant section of cycle path:
Along the german shore with MS Überlingen
7 | Immenstaad – Friedrichshafen - All day, every day, approx. every 1-3 hours |
The boats on Lake Constance do not run during the winter; the various shipping companies start and finish their season at different times. For trips in spring and autumn, we therefore recommend checking the schedules.
Catamaran Constance-Friedrichshafen